
Rolling Trays and Ashtrays

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products

Check our collection of Rolling trays that come in many sizes, various features and different shapes. Generally providing a flat surface for rolling your favorite herb. An area to hold herbs and rolling accessories.

Browse our range of rolling trays and accessories

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
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Kaya Resin Round Mushroom Ashtray - Unique Design for Stylish SmokingKaya Resin Round Mushroom Ashtray - Unique Design for Stylish Smoking
GatorGuard Decorative Resin Ashtray - Artistic Alligator DesignGatorGuard Decorative Resin Ashtray - Artistic Alligator Design
Raw Small Round Metal Ashtray - The Green BoxRaw Small Round Metal Ashtray
Raw Small Round Metal Ashtray
Sale price$9.90
Herbal Haven Resin AshtrayHerbal Haven Resin Ashtray
Herbal Haven Resin Ashtray
Sale price$19.90
RAW Magnetic Metal Ashtray - The Green BoxRAW Magnetic Metal Ashtray - The Green Box
RAW Magnetic Metal Ashtray
Sale price$9.00
RAW Classic Rolling Tray - Small Size - The Green BoxRAW Classic Rolling Tray - Small Size - The Green Box
Elements Metal Blue Ashtray - The Green BoxElements Metal Blue Ashtray
Elements Metal Blue Ashtray
Sale price$9.00
Raw Round Metal Rolling Tray - The Green BoxRaw Round Metal Rolling Tray - The Green Box
Raw Round Metal Rolling Tray
Sale price$24.95